North Map

Helping communities plan for a prosperous future and expanding business opportunities.

North Georgia continues to grow in manufacturing, tourism, and agriculture. That growth brings new opportunities to revitalize downtowns, expand workforce capacity, and provide community branding to help emphasize the quality of life.

Efforts include:

  • Building leadership pipelines in underserved populations.
  • Working with local governments to redevelop downtown areas.
  • Partnering with wine growers to help vineyards thrive.

Impact on the North Region



Grape Expectations

Grape Expectations UGA’s Winegrowers of Georgia student internships provide hands-on experience in state vineyards FILE UNDER NORTH The blueberries were suffering.  It was the summer […]

Osprey mural in park


A Vision for Gainesville

When asked to imagine a living organism, you might think of flowers, animals, and other things that move and grow. Would a city ever cross your mind?

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